Friday, July 23, 2010

Pursuit of Nappyness

I love when making a risky purchase pays off. I was in Newburry Comics a few weeks ago, just browsing (which is dangerous to do there), when I spotted a rap group whose name looked familiar- Nappy Roots.

I searched thru my memory to figure out where I knew this group from. Then it hit me-they were the artists behind my favorite song from Madden 2004, the one where Mike "Dog Fight" Vick was the greatest player of all-time.

I've included the song, 'Roun' The Globe," which I purchased off iTunes back in 2003 when I still did that.

Nappy Roots - Round The Globe
Uploaded by AtlanticRecords. - Explore more music videos.

(I realize the video lags too much. Here's a link to the YouTube video.

Feeling risky, I decided to buy their new album, "The Pursuit of Nappyness." For $8.00, I figured the potential pay-off was worth it. I must admit, I was very surprised by HOW much this purchase has paid off, as its quickly taken a spot in my car stereo and has not lost a spot to higher-profile releases, including Eminem and Big Boi. I've included the preview to their next video, which happens to be my favorite track on the album.

Just goes to show you that those who take risks are those who reep the rewards.

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." - Nobel Prize winner Andre Gide.

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